We recommend you exercise good security practices when using the SHFNF website. Here are a few steps you can follow to keep your account as secure as possible.
When you have finished browsing the SHFNF website, we recommend logging out of your account.
If you think you forgot to log out of a public computer, you can log out of all computers on your Account Details page (select the “Log Out Everywhere Else” button).
We recommend that the password you use to log in to your SHFNF account is not used anywhere else (like on your email, or NHS computer login). You should also never tell anyone your password (SHFNF administrators will never ask you for your password). Using unique passwords is a very simple way to maximise your online security. At the very least, it should be different from your email password.
Sharing your SHFNF account details is prohibited. Any posts made on the SHFNF forums are presumed to come from only you.